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Non destructive testing NDT

Non destructive testing NDT

Non destructive testing NDT

Non destructive testing NDT

Radiography is a non destructive testing NDT examination method that uses X-ray and Gamma-ray for detecting internal imperfections, for measuring wall-thickness and for detection of corrosion.

The Solution

Conventional Radiography involves the process where radioactive rays are directed at the object to be inspected, to pass through it and the resulting image is captured on a film. This film is in-turn processed and image displayed as a sequence of gray shades between black and white.

With radiographic examination the material is exposed to a homogenous ray from a radioactive isotope or an X-ray tube, while a negative film is positioned behind the material to be examined. After development of the film, thickness and density differences (i.e. material imperfections) will show as blackness differences. Acceptance criteria define whether or not the indication is non-acceptable (a defect) or not.


Application Range

Radiography encompasses sources such as X-rays, Gamma rays as well as newer methods such as Real Time Radiography, Computed Radiography (CR) and Computed Tomography (CT). Not one solution can meet all radiographic needs. The right choice depends upon the application.

Why AIM Control?

AIM Control has the knowledge, expertise and experience to perform conventional and advanced NDT examinations around the world using our unique network in the world.
Whether it is in fabrication, pipe manufacturing, pipeline or plant construction, chemical or petrochemical plants, shipyards or offshore industry, in conventional and nuclear power plants - our Non-Destructive

Examinations provide quality assurance and process safety.
Send us your inquiry on Conventional Radiography.

Services for Conventional Radiography

AIM Control Industrial Services offers Conventional Radiography also combined with other NDT methods.
The service varies from standard Non-Destructive Testing Services to advanced technologies such us Risk Based Inspections, Guided Wave Inspection, Time of Flight Diffraction, Corrosion, Positive Material Identification, Magnetic Flux Leakage or Leak Testing etc. 
Have a look at all NDT Technologies provided by AIM Control.


Written : AIMGroup®
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