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Sealing and unsealing for shipping, trading

Sealing and unsealing for shipping, trading

Sealing and unsealing for shipping, trading

Sealing and unsealing for shipping, trading

AIM Control services of sealing and unsealing for shipping, trading for shipping, trading on goods, container, cargo hold, truck, wagon and others to intact the object until witness again as the evidence of future disputes or claim and protect the interests of customer from arising of problem

Shipper or is Seller, logistic/broker stuff wrong cargo inside the containers and declare other cargo in manifest then who will be responsible? Either shipping line/carrier or shipper and which concerned party? Recently it happened with shipment


What are sealing and unsealing of container transport in shipping?

Sealing:  according to international shipping practice, the carrier must ensure that sufficient quantities of goods to destination, (prevention of loss). For this issue, after loading of cargo into container completed, shippers have to seal of container’s doors with their sealing known with different names are sealed lead.

The carrier charges on fee of seal at level under $10 per container per seal.

Unsealing: when container vessel arrival destination, unloading of containers from ship to on the port yard, the unloading port authority will check the seal to ensure it is intact condition or not before receiving from carrier. In case the seal is no intact then the witness report will be done to determine the limit of liability of the concerned parties.

Sealing and unsealing actions: technical characteristics of one seal consisted of 02 pieces, when clicking two parts together to lock of doors on the "death" always, the seal must be cut or broken before opening container’s doors.

The carrier shall ensure that the seal is intact while container arrival at discharging port is completed their liability.

There are many types of seal: seal in standard as ISO PAS 17712 & ISO /DIS 17712.2 C-TPAT Compliant, Indicative Seal, Security Bag và Security Label. With container is sealed with ISO17712:2013 high security seal.

AIM Control’s empirical expertise in site of sealing and unsealing, there are 04 seals of 02 the parties on container as followings:

  • seal of carrier
  • seal of custom office
  • seal of shipper
  • seal of AIM Control (Surveyors) 

How can one establish sealing supervision and unsealing witness to certify responsibility proof caused to your shipment by concerned parties?


Benefits of AIM Control’s sealing and unsealing:
AIM Control’s surveyors have a lot of experience in loading supervision and witness in sealing and unsealing at all of loading ports and unloading ports to protect customer’s right:

  • Prevention loss/damage to cargo, goods, products
  • Prevention intentional fraud in shipping.
  • Delivery, Shipping and Receiving for safety
  • Reduce the potential risks and against to dispute and claim.
  • Protect your liability and rights.
  • Letter protect report to Master, Concerning parties on loss/damage arising
  • Others



Written : AIMGroup®
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